As a believer, once we discover the gifts God has given us, we go full on, unwavering. We look at every encouragement from the Lord and others, that causes us to continue this great journey. Sometimes because we love it but also because we can see God using it! Once we begin to know what our gifts are and God moves us into His plan, we are so excited!

We get so busy in what we are doing for the Lord, that sometimes we forget to check in, then totally miss God and get off track. We are so into what we are doing for HIM that we don’t notice when God wants to make a change. That He has a new plan or wants to do a NEW thing!

When my life drastically changed from art shows and street witnessing with that art, I was left feeling lost. I started thinking I must have done something wrong. But after a time of prayer and searching, I never gave up on the gift that He gave me. I knew it was real and watched Him use me in a great way in my past.

I never forgot the Word of Knowledge given to me when I was young, about God using my hands. I have been creative, all of my life. He has used this gift in me, but why did He stop everything so suddenly?

I tried to continue on my own once my husband and partner passed away suddenly. But I couldn’t sustain it. Though I saw other women doing this alone, it wasn’t working for me. I was very lost and couldn’t understand why God would change this great plan that He and I had started and He didn’t tell me. Or was I not listening?

During this time God moved me into a new type of creative work, creating websites and art for Churches. It’s not the same as creating something from your heart, But probably is more far reaching that what I ever did at a craft or art event. The opportunity to speak with Pastors and leaders everyday, gave me a sense of what people in the ministry deal with daily. What their needs are and how to accomplish their goals. Helping them to reach others with the gospel.

Last week, I had the great blessing of speaking with a customer that my team was designing a website for. He is an evangelist, having had a tough life, and God lifted him out of the depths of despair and saved him. He has a great testimony and God has used him to lead many others to a life in Christ.

While we were speaking, he encouraged me with a Word that God is planning something great! That the Lord is still continuing His plan to use me with the talent he gave me so long ago. He told me to continue on and believe and be excited. The evangelist said that GOD is doing a new thing! Then He asked me, “Are you a teacher?” and I laughed.


But God’s Word is true and He never goes back on what he said he was gonna do! In spite of Sarah’s laughing, God did what He promised long ago. So I have to say, What a witness to my spirit! I am so excited to see again what God is gonna do with my hands! Just as He spoke to me, many years ago. I am now more in tune than ever, waiting on Him to use me!

I also encourage you to never give up on your Gifts. God has blessed everyone with a talent and some many talents. But stay in prayer and let God move you into New Things in His Time!

And He has filled him with the Spirit of God, with ability and wisdom, with intelligence and understanding, and with the knowledge and all craftsmanship, to devise artistic designs. Exodus 35:31-32